Thursday, July 10, 2008

Mercury-Some Craters on Mercury have ice on them because the sun never touches them even though the planet is super hot.

Venus-Same size, density, and mass Venus and Earth are often reffered as sister planets.

Earth-The Earth is the densest planet in our Solar System.

Mars-Mars has the largest canyon in the solar System. if it was on Earth, it would take,Los Angeles to Chicago.

Jupiter-About 100 Earth's could fit in Jupiter. It has 39 moons.

Saturn-Saturn is the only planet in our Solar System with the least dense. It has less dense than water.

Urnaus-The blueish color is because the methane gas in the atmosphere absorbs red light and reflect blue light.

Neptune-Neptune has the strongest winds then any other planet in our Soalr System.

Pluto-This belt is in the same plane of the planets and are the millions of rocks, ice chunks, and particles left over from the form of our Soalr System.

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